Our Honey

309 Honeys have endless applications, but here are some ideas for how we like to use each honey. 



This honey comes from the iconic coastal trees found around the Coromandel. These beautiful red flowers produce an incredibly smooth and creamy honey with a slightly salty finish. Great in Tea or coffee or on the cheese board.


Native Bush Honey

Comes from the unique surrounding native bush that the Coromandel is famous for. It varies, but is generally made from nectar foraged from Mānuka, Kanuka, Rata, Rewarewa, Five finger. This gives it a complex floral flavour. Excellent as a refined sugar substitute in baking or cooking.

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The most famous honey in the world. Widely known for its health benefits and strong malty flavour. The intensity of this flavour grows with the MGO levels. We have 3 different categories of Mānuka each with a different MGO rating and different recommended uses.


What is MGO?

Mānuka Honey has higher levels of enzymes and antibacterial properties than found in other honey. Methylglyoxal is it’s active ingredient and is responsible for these antibacterial effects. As registered exporters, 309 Honey meets the highest MPI standards . Each Honey is tested to ensure true MGO levels and optimum quality. Enjoy.


Multi-floral Mānuka: 
MGO - 100+

Not just Mānuka. Multifloral Mānuka has the healthy benefits of good levels of MGO and the flavour combination of Mānuka and native bush nectars gives this honey a strong malty backbone with complex floral notes. This is our favourite breakfast honey. Add to Smoothies, granola or porridge.

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Classic Monofloral Mānuka
MGO - 100-150+

Add tea or toast for good health.

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Premier Monofloral Mānuka 
MGO - 300-350+

Good for an addition to your daily health routine, add to smoothie or as a daily tonic with apple cider vinegar or honey lemon ginger.

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Special Reserve Mānuka
MGO - 400+

Selectively aged to reach full flavour and MGO development. Good for immunity boost, topical applications like burns or as a face mask. Also a great digestive aid. This is our best honey.

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